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Is your fig tree Barren

seeking god surrender May 06, 2023

Many of us are familiar with the parable of Jesus cursing the fig tree, but there is another fig tree parable I would like to bring to your attention. In Luke 13:6-9, there is the story of the barren fig tree. Much like the other parable the fig tree was in season but was not producing fruit.
Fig trees are hardy, adaptable trees. While the tree prefers a warm climate, fig trees are grown all over the world, even in temperate climates where there are various fluctuations in climate and heat. Although fig trees can produce fruit with or without leaves present (depending on whether it is an early or late fig tree), the presence of leaves indicates the tree is in season to bear fruit.

In scripture, fig trees represent the church or the body of Christ. Remember the church is a people not a place or a building. The word Barren means poor or lifeless. A barren fig tree represents areas of our lives that are not surrendered to the word of God, and just like the fig tree we would resemble the church yet would be lifeless and lack power to survive.
Bearing fruit is essential to Christian life. In Galatians 5:22, we know that fruit comes from being grounded in the Holy spirit. Therefore, if your fig tree is barren, you can reconnect to the Holy Spirit and through surrendered obedience to the word and his way begin to bear fruit once again.