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Do You know God's Acts or his Ways?

god exists prayer seeking god surrender Mar 20, 2024

In Psalms 103:7 it states that He made his ways known unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel.


When we read this scripture, we see a demarcation of how God dealt with Moses versus the children of Israel. The children of Israel were accustomed to seeing God’s acts. The ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, Water from the Rock, and Manna from heaven. They were experiencing the miraculous firsthand, and even with the miraculous being a part of their daily life, they still could not grasp the love, sovereignty, and protection of the Father. Instead, their hearts would always turn to what was familiar. Although they were experiencing miracles almost daily their minds could not move beyond what they need versus what God wanted them to obtain. Every obstacle brought them to wanting to return to slavery. As horrible as being a slave was, they desired the abuse over the liberty that God had promised. Because of their lack belief, they were not able to partake in the fullness that God had for them.

This is because of fear.

I’m sure being a slave was hard. But once they were free, they still possessed a slave mentality. They could not break free from the destituteness of their mind--the Oppression, the fear, and the brokenness. Even seeing God’s acts, the fog of the past still clouded their view, thus they died in the wilderness—physically and mentally only knowing that greater things were on the horizon, but never obtaining them.

Many of us live our lives like the Israelites, our focus is on our needs, our past, and our desires; so we never are able to obtain the fullness God has for us. We gravitate to the familiar and the safety of what we have known instead foraging into the unknown depthf God’s blessing. Even with a greater covenant, we still can’t break the cycle of the mental jail that Satan attempts to hold us.

But, Moses knew his ways. Moses was able to know God’s character, his love, his plans for a hope and a future.

God’s plan is always to prosper us, to give us a hope and future. Most of us need to prosper in our minds before we can expect anything external. If our minds are not transformed to God’s will, we still live in the mental jail and will fall short of God’s plan for our lives.

We determine our depth in God through trust, faith, and hope, not in possessions, money, prestige, and accolades. If that is all we strive for we are only seeking the acts of God and not the deep mystery he desires to show us.

One of the things the Israelites did not obtain is when you know God, you have everything you need—the acts and his ways. The key is getting to know him not just what he can do for us.